20 Most Popular Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

Eric John
15 min readJan 7, 2023
Programming Languages
Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

Here is a list of the 20 most popular programming languages, based on a variety of metrics such as popularity, demand, and job opportunities:

It’s worth noting that the popularity of programming languages can vary depending on the region and industry. This list is meant to provide a general overview of the most popular programming languages, but it may not necessarily reflect the languages that are most popular or in-demand in a specific location or field.

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language is a set of rules for writing programs. It is a way for humans to communicate instructions to a computer in a way that the computer can understand.

Programs written in a programming language are called source code, and they are typically translated into a form that can be executed by the computer’s hardware.

There are many different programming languages, each with its own set of rules and syntax. Some examples of programming languages include Python, Java, C++, and C#.


1- Python

Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility. It is a general-purpose language that can be used for a wide variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, machine learning,

scientific computing, and more. Python has a large and active community of developers and users, and it offers a wealth of libraries and frameworks that make it easy to get started and build powerful, scalable applications.

Python is often used as a first programming language for beginners because of its simplicity, but it is also used by experienced developers to build complex systems.


2- Java

Java is a popular, object-oriented programming language that is used for building a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, and desktop applications. It is known for its “Write once, run anywhere” (WORA) philosophy,

which means that Java code can be compiled to run on any device that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This makes it a versatile language that can be used to build applications for a variety of platforms.

Java is a high-level language that is easy to learn and use, and it has a large and active community of developers. It is widely used in enterprise applications and has strong support for web development, with frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate.

Java is also a popular choice for building Android mobile apps, with the Android operating system being written in Java.


3- C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language. C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means it allows developers to create objects that model real-world entities.

This can make it easier to design and maintain complex software systems. C++ is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into machine code that can be run on a computer.

It is a powerful and efficient language, but it can also be more difficult to learn and use than some other programming languages because of its low-level features and complex syntax. Do you have any specific questions about C++ that I can help with?

4- C#

C# (pronounced “C-sharp”) is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is designed to be simple, powerful, and easy to learn. C# is derived from the C programming language, and it is a direct descendant of C++. Like C++, C# is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into machine code that can be run on a computer.

C# is a general-purpose language, which means it can be used to build a wide range of applications. It is a popular choice for building Windows desktop applications, as well as games, mobile apps, and web applications. C# is also used to build Windows Store apps and Windows Phone apps, as well as server-side applications that run on the .NET framework.

C# has a strong set of data types, operators, and control structures, and it supports object-oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. It also has a large and supportive developer community, with a wealth of online resources and libraries available to help you get started. Do you have any specific questions about C# that I can help with?

5- JavaScript

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used to build web applications. It was developed by Netscape in the mid-1990s and is now used by almost all modern web browsers. JavaScript is an interpreted language, which means that it is not compiled, but rather executed by the browser at runtime.

JavaScript is used to create interactive web pages and is often used in combination with HTML and CSS. It allows you to add behavior to web pages, control the behavior of web page elements, and interact with users. JavaScript is also used to build server-side applications, mobile apps, and games.

JavaScript is a flexible and powerful language that is easy to learn and use. It is an object-oriented language, which means it allows you to define and manipulate objects and their properties and methods.

It is also dynamically typed, which means that you don’t need to specify the data type of a variable when you declare it. Do you have any specific questions about JavaScript that I can help with?

6- Go

Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language developed by Google in 2009. It is a statically typed, compiled language designed to be simple, efficient, and easy to read. Go is often used for building web servers, networked services, and other distributed systems.

One of the main goals of Go is to provide developers with a language that is easy to learn and use, while still being powerful enough to build complex applications. To achieve this,

Go has a small set of keywords and a clean, concise syntax. It also has a number of built-in features, such as garbage collection and support for concurrency, that make it well-suited for building scalable, high-performance systems.

Go is a popular choice for building microservices and other distributed systems, and it is also used for building web servers, command-line tools, and other types of applications. Do you have any specific questions about Go that I can help with?

7- Swift

Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc. for building applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It was designed to be easy to read and write, and to be more powerful and flexible than Objective-C, the programming language that it replaced. Swift is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into machine code that can be run on a computer.

Swift is a modern, object-oriented language that is designed to be safe and expressive. It uses type inference to reduce the amount of code you need to write, and it includes modern programming language features such as generics, closures, and tuples. Swift is also designed to be easy to read and maintain, with a clean, expressive syntax and a focus on readability.

Swift is a popular choice for building iOS and macOS applications, and it is also used to build watchOS and tvOS applications. It is a fast, powerful language that is easy to learn and use, and it has a large and active developer community. Do you have any specific questions about Swift that I can help with?

8- Kotlin

Kotlin is a programming language developed by JetBrains, the company behind the popular IntelliJ Java IDE. It is a statically typed, cross-platform language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can also be compiled to JavaScript or native code. Kotlin is an open-source language, and it is fully interoperable with Java, which means that you can use Kotlin code in a Java project and vice versa.

Kotlin was designed to improve upon some of the shortcomings of Java and to be more concise, expressive, and safer than Java. It has a more expressive type system, improved syntax, and support for functional programming constructs such as lambdas and higher-order functions. Kotlin is also more concise than Java, which means you can write less code to accomplish the same tasks.

Kotlin is a popular choice for building Android apps, and it has also been adopted by other companies for building server-side and web applications. It is a modern, powerful language that is easy to learn and use, and it has a large and active developer community. Do you have any specific questions about Kotlin that I can help with?

9- Ruby

Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted programming language developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. It is a general-purpose language that is designed to be simple, expressive, and easy to read.

Ruby is an object-oriented language, which means that it allows you to define and manipulate objects and their properties and methods. It also has a number of built-in features, such as garbage collection and support for exceptions, that make it easier to write and maintain complex programs.

Ruby is known for its flexibility and simplicity, and it is often used for building web applications, data analysis tools, and other types of software. It is also popular for building command-line utilities and scripts, and it has a large and active developer community.

Ruby is an interpreted language, which means that it is not compiled, but rather executed by the Ruby interpreter at runtime. It is a popular choice for building web applications, and it is also used for building desktop applications, mobile apps, and games. Do you have any specific questions about Ruby that I can help with?

10- R

R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is widely used for data analysis, statistical modeling, and data visualization, and it has a large and active developer community.

R is particularly well-suited for working with data and has many built-in functions and libraries for statistical analysis, machine learning, and data manipulation.

R is an interpreted language, which means that it is not compiled, but rather executed by the R interpreter at runtime. It is a dynamically typed language, which means that you don’t need to specify the data type of a variable when you declare it.

R is also an object-oriented language, which means it allows you to define and manipulate objects and their properties and methods.

R is a powerful and flexible language, but it can be more difficult to learn and use than some other programming languages because of its specialized syntax and focus on statistical computing. Do you have any specific questions about R that I can help with?

11- C

C is a general-purpose, procedural programming language that was developed in the 1970s. It was designed to be efficient and easy to use, and it has a simple, minimalist syntax. C is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into machine code that can be run on a computer.

C is a powerful and versatile language that is widely used for building a wide range of applications. It is used to build operating systems, servers, browsers, and other types of software, as well as to build firmware and other low-level applications. C is also a popular choice for building games, mobile apps, and other types of applications.

C is known for its efficiency and performance, and it is often used in situations where speed and low-level control are important. It is also a popular language for learning programming, and it is the basis for many other programming languages, including C++ and C#. Do you have any specific questions about C that I can help with?

12- Rust

Rust is a systems programming language developed by Mozilla Research. It is a statically typed, compiled language that is designed to be fast, safe, and concurrent.

Rust is an open-source language, and it has a strong focus on performance and safety. It is particularly well-suited for building systems software and other applications that need to be fast and reliable.

Rust is known for its strong type system, which helps catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime, and for its support for concurrent programming.

It also has a number of features that make it easier to write safe and efficient code, such as ownership and borrowing, which help prevent common programming errors such as null or dangling pointer references.

Rust is a popular choice for building systems software, network servers, and other types of applications that need to be fast and reliable. It is also used for building web servers, command-line tools, and other types of applications. Do you have any specific questions about Rust that I can help with?

13- Dart

Dart is a programming language developed by Google. It is a general-purpose language that is used to build web, server, and mobile applications. Dart is an open-source language, and it is compiled to native code or JavaScript.

Dart is an object-oriented language, which means it allows you to define and manipulate objects and their properties and methods. It is also a dynamically typed language, which means that you don’t need to specify the data type of a variable when you declare it. Dart has a clean, expressive syntax and is designed to be easy to read and write.

Dart is used to build web, server, and mobile applications, and it is particularly well-suited for building large-scale, complex applications. It is also used to build command-line tools and scripts, and it has a large and active developer community. Do you have any specific questions about Dart that I can help with?

14- TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that it is a variant of JavaScript that includes additional features and syntax.

TypeScript is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into JavaScript code that can be run in a web browser or other JavaScript runtime.

TypeScript is designed to make it easier to write large, scalable applications by adding features such as static types, classes, and interfaces to JavaScript. These features provide additional structure and help catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime.

TypeScript is also designed to be backward-compatible with JavaScript, which means that you can use TypeScript code in a JavaScript project and vice versa.

TypeScript is a popular choice for building large, complex applications, and it is often used in combination with JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React. It is also used for building command-line tools and scripts, and it has a large and active developer community. Do you have any specific questions about TypeScript that I can help with?

15- Scala

Scala is a programming language developed by Martin Odersky and his team at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). It is a statically typed, compiled language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can also be compiled to JavaScript. Scala is an open-source language, and it is fully interoperable with Java, which means that you can use Scala code in a Java project and vice versa.

Scala is a general-purpose language that is designed to be expressive, concise, and scalable. It has a strong static type system, which helps catch errors at compile-time rather than runtime, and it supports functional programming constructs such as immutability, first-class functions, and pattern matching. Scala is also designed to be efficient, with a performance profile that is similar to Java.

Scala is a popular choice for building large-scale, distributed systems, and it is also used for building web applications, data processing pipelines, and other types of software. It is a powerful and flexible language that is well-suited for building scalable, high-performance systems, and it has a large and active developer community. Do you have any specific questions about Scala that I can help with?

16- Elixir

Elixir is a dynamic, functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It is built on top of the Erlang virtual machine, which is known for its concurrency, fault tolerance, and distributed communication capabilities.

Elixir combines the best of both functional and concurrent programming to provide a powerful and productive language for building modern applications. It is particularly well-suited for building distributed systems, and has been used to build a number of high-performance, fault-tolerant systems in industries such as finance, e-commerce, and gaming.

17- Haskell

Haskell is a functional programming language that is known for its strong static type system, lazy evaluation, and expressive type system. It is a purely functional language, which means that all functions in Haskell are pure, and all computation is done through the evaluation of expressions.

Haskell is often used in academia and research, and has a strong following in the functional programming community. It is also used in a number of commercial projects, particularly in the finance and telecom industries. Some of the key features of Haskell include:

  • Strong static type system: Haskell has a strong and expressive type system, which helps to catch errors at compile time and improve code reliability.
  • Lazy evaluation: Haskell uses lazy evaluation, which means that expressions are only evaluated when they are needed. This can lead to more efficient programs, as it allows the program to avoid unnecessary computations.
  • Pure functions: All functions in Haskell are pure, which means that they do not have side effects and always return the same result given the same input. This makes it easier to reason about and debug Haskell programs.
  • Concurrent and parallel programming: Haskell has built-in support for concurrent and parallel programming, which makes it well-suited for building high-performance systems.
  • Elegant and expressive syntax: Haskell has a clean and concise syntax, which makes it easy to read and write. It is often used to prototype and develop complex algorithms and data structures.

18- Erlang

Erlang is a programming language that was designed to support the development of concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems. It was developed by Ericsson in the 1980s, and has been used to build a number of high-performance, real-time systems, including the Ericsson AXD301 switch, which was one of the first terabit switches.

Some of the key features of Erlang include:

  • Concurrent programming: Erlang is designed for concurrency, which means that it is easy to write programs that can run multiple tasks in parallel. This makes it well-suited for building distributed systems that need to handle many concurrent connections.
  • Fault tolerance: Erlang has built-in support for fault tolerance, which means that it is easy to build systems that can recover from errors and continue to operate.
  • Distribution: Erlang has built-in support for distribution, which means that it is easy to build systems that can run on multiple machines and communicate with each other over a network.
  • Soft real-time capabilities: Erlang has low-latency, and can support real-time systems with stringent response time requirements.

Erlang is commonly used in industries such as telecom, finance, and e-commerce, where it is used to build high-performance, reliable systems. It is also the basis for the Elixir programming language.

19- OCaml

OCaml is a general-purpose programming language that is known for its strong static type system, functional programming features, and high performance. It was developed in the 1980s at INRIA, a French research institute, and has a strong following in the functional programming community.

Some of the key features of OCaml include:

  • Strong static type system: OCaml has a strong and expressive type system, which helps to catch errors at compile time and improve code reliability.
  • Functional programming: OCaml is a functional programming language, which means that it is based on the concept of evaluating expressions rather than changing the state of variables. This makes it easier to reason about and debug OCaml programs.
  • High performance: OCaml is known for its high performance, which makes it well-suited for building high-performance applications.
  • Object-oriented programming: OCaml supports object-oriented programming, which means that it is possible to define classes and objects and use inheritance and polymorphism.
  • Elegant and concise syntax: OCaml has a clean and concise syntax, which makes it easy to read and write. It is often used to prototype and develop complex algorithms and data structures.

OCaml is used in a number of commercial projects, particularly in the finance and telecom industries, as well as in academic research. It is also used as the basis for several other programming languages, such as F# and Reason.

20- F#

F# is a functional programming language that was developed by Microsoft as part of the .NET framework. It is a multi-paradigm programming language, which means that it supports both functional and object-oriented programming styles. F# is based on OCaml, and shares many of the same features, such as a strong static type system, functional programming constructs, and high performance.

Some of the key features of F# include:

  • Strong static type system: F# has a strong and expressive type system, which helps to catch errors at compile time and improve code reliability.
  • Functional programming: F# is a functional programming language, which means that it is based on the concept of evaluating expressions rather than changing the state of variables. This makes it easier to reason about and debug F# programs.
  • High performance: F# is known for its high performance, which makes it well-suited for building high-performance applications.
  • Object-oriented programming: F# supports object-oriented programming, which means that it is possible to define classes and objects and use inheritance and polymorphism.
  • Interoperability: F# is part of the .NET framework, which means that it can easily interoperate with other .NET languages such as C# and VB.NET. It can also be used to build applications for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

F# is often used in finance, data science, and machine learning, where it is known for its strong numerical and statistical capabilities. It is also used in a number of commercial projects and has a strong following in the functional programming community.



Eric John

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